HI! Liv is almost 6 months old, now.
She's got her bottom two teeth. She's working on solid foods ... as you can see here. (Pears! Very yummy!! Thanks, Kim!!). She sits unsupported & fall less than she used to. and can recover back to sitting from most tumbles. She's very interested in her surroundings. She is starting to respond now to other small children and animals. She still loves hanging around in the Bjorn (I call it my Baby-Harness) and gets VERY excited when she sees me pick it up. And enjoys long walks in the stroller. She's starting to "scoot" and rolls over & over... until she gets stuck in the legs of the dining chairs & table or under the couch (as you can see below).
She's still very "mellow" baby. Not too many giggles, and hardly any crying. She's a delight to me and seems to make a lot of other people smile, too!

I'll try to post again soon!
thanks for visiting!
love, ~emily.