but she'd rather be standing & walking...
"Can we dance with change? Can we fall and try again with playfulness? Do we have the focus, skill and attunement to find the stillpoint within it all?"
OMG! Here we go!
I thought I caught a glimpse of this yesterday afternoon & here she is this morning. Still a little uncoordinated, but scarily close. time to put those locks on the cabinets!
And while I'm at it. I have to share this lovely picture of our girl!
So obviously, she has something to say!
You may be aware that I've been using some sign language with Liv. The experts claim that babies may start signing back around 7 months old. So, I'm on the lookout!!! But I have to tell you I'm baffled, and its so funny to me to watch her in those last couple frames.
is she trying to communicate something in particular?
is she just noticing her new control & range of motion?
is she totally disgusted with me for not "getting it"?
we'll keep trying ...
OK, so this is probably about 7 minutes of trial & error condensed down to 30 seconds for you! It really is fun to watch her learn stuff!!
So, last night, Liv and I went out to watch the sunset on the beach, and she put her feet in the sand for the first time (that she remembers). As we had already had a bath... I didn't let her get totally into it. but she sure had fun kicking it! ... But today... we walked home from the shop on the beach & I let her explore a little more. enjoy! (she seemed to!)