I can hardly believe it!!!
"Can we dance with change? Can we fall and try again with playfulness? Do we have the focus, skill and attunement to find the stillpoint within it all?"
Today Liv & Emily took the ferry over to SF to have lunch with Jody. What a fun adventure. Unfortunately, in my haste... I left my camera on the dining room table - (fat lot of good it does us there!!!!) AND my cell phone battery reached end of life early on in the trip. (pretty poor batting average, so far!)
But aside from those minor missteps. We did well & had a great time. We made it to the ferry dock on time! (even beat the boat, for once! - impressive, hunh Jeff?) Liv was fed, rested, clean, dressed - ditto Mommy!!! WOW!
Liv had a phenomenal time walking around the benches out on the deck, they make a great noise when you bang on them - did you know that? She could fit BEHIND some of them & see me through the slats - great fun!! I tried to teach her "one hand for the ship" but I don't think it really sunk in & when the boat changed speed or rocked a bit and her feet went out from under her a couple times she it found so puzzling - the LOOK she gave me! :) It was a great day to be out, relatively flat water, sunny, not too many folks on the boat: mid-day, mid-week. It was a fun ride!
Jody met us at the pier! We had tacos at the Ferry terminal: convenient, yummy, outdoor tables, lots for Liv to look at! Then went for a stroll down the embarcadero. It was great to talk with Jody & so good of her to take the time from her day!! She had to go back to the office & Liv and I hung out for another hour until the next ferry back to Alameda.
She was active & engaged the whole time! Charming everyone who'd meet her smile. It's a little startling for some people to see someone so tiny charging around. Seriously, she's the size of a housecat (albeit a pretty big house cat - but still, well under 20 pounds). And just stumbling along (granted, she walks like someone after a 3-martini lunch: listing a little left... then right.... then stopping or sitting down for no aparent reason, standing up & heading off in a completely different direction). She's becomming a really fun kid.
She again, really enjoyed being out on deck for the ride home... but was getting so tired. She fell way more frequently! And stuck a lot closer to me. I ended up putting her in the backpack & walking around deck with her up there! When we got off the boat, she was asleep in her carseat in less than 5 minutes. It was a big adventure!
This yellow one was the second balloon we've brought home, they loose their "float" overnight, but they are still SUPER FUN - just ask Liv!
another... it's just such fun!!
Hey! All right!!! It finally worked... I've been trying to get this posted ALL DAY!
So here's our little Liv walking!
I just love these ducky pj's; too bad she's almost outgown them.
(I have hi-res & uncropped if anyone needs new wallpaper! Mom!)
Oh!! and look who's learned not to pitch headfirst off the couch!!! woo-hoo!