Parachute Play
"Can we dance with change? Can we fall and try again with playfulness? Do we have the focus, skill and attunement to find the stillpoint within it all?"
Here we are at
Liv is having such fun playing outside (a frequent sign) everyday she discovers a new pinecone, stick, bug, or wild strawberry! She has us following her all over the property (and the neighbor’s) climbing on and over things, listening for bird calls or someone using a hammer or saw, hearing and spotting boats on the lake.
She’s been on great adventures everyday. We’ve been to town, to the store, library, and post office, the laundromat, and the playground (with a traditional metal slide: the kind with a ladder to get to the top and 2” rails on the sides! awesome! She couldn’t believe I was making her climb to the top of this ladder, until she got eye-level with the top and saw that long shiny slide – woo hoo! Her face totally lit up as it registered!). We went on a nice long boat ride, (she signs “Go! Go! Go!” when we go fast) we docked at the Pinecone and had a nice lunch at the other end of the lake. Then she slept the whole way home.
Her favorite games are running down the ramp off the porch, signing “duck” when I say “dock” (how confusing is THAT?), digging in the sand on the beach, and hiding her self or her toys and asking (signing) “where?” She loves giving hugs – if someone gets one EVERYBODY gets one! It’s awesome!