An update.
And some pictures from another happy day in Alameda.
All is well here. We are progressing on the home buying front, looking forward to closing/moving at the end of the month. Jeff is currently traveling like a maniac. What's today? Friday? He's in Long Beach, CA... but headed back to Honolulu this evening. (Then back to Long Beach, & back to Honolulu. Vancouver is in there, too, somewhere... But, he'll be home for the closing - if all goes according to plan.)
Liv is doing very well! She's talking more and more. Someone (I think it was the pediatrician) asked "How many words does she know?" HA!!! First of all... she "knows" hundreds and hundreds, she understands nearly everything she hears, how many can she "say" that's different, but still, I can't keep up! She can repeat most things she hears, though there are some sounds that are still pretty difficult to make: words that start with an "ess" sound, especially. and ending sounds are hard too... and sometimes they get remembered a little jumbled: She often says "topa" for potato. But can repeat the word "potato." Stuff like that. She's taking a single afternoon nap, and wakes up (and wakes me up) in the middle of the night about half the time. It's not horrible. Currently her favorite toys are: Mr. Potato Head (which she refers to as either "topa" or "eyeball"), a shape sorting cube with colored blocks, crayons, a little bowl of pennies, flashcards, and a baby doll.
The pregnancy is going well. We're about 6 months now. The baby has started really kicking up a storm this past week. So FUN!!
We're a little nervous about flu this season. I was surprised by how often I caught little bugs when I was pregnant with Liv, and the current stats show that pregnant ladies are at least 6x more likely to get flu than other adults (why? I don't know) and complications from flu could be tragic. Liv and I will be getting vaccinated for seasonal & H1N1 as they become available to us. And we're staying away from some of the fun stuff we would normally do (e.g., sing-a-long). But between the flu/back-to-school germs and just my pregnancy nesting/cocooning instincts, and how much fun we have just playing at home or at the beach... it's no hardship, whatsoever. (and we haven't had a sniffle in WEEKS)
A trip to the beach is always a fun adventure.

Some shadow play.

A nice walk.

More shadow play. (omg!)

Mom & Liv

And Baby-to-be.

We miss you, Jeff.