Sunday, March 21, 2010


I've posted plenty of pictures of Liv in the swings (the first ones here).  Kids love 'em. Liv loves 'em. It's the first thing she wants to do at the park. Today it was perfectly clear WHY she loves the swings so much...

of course, because she's FLYING... (she always asks to go higher)

and because of the tricks she can do when flying,

but also, especially in Liv's case, shecan watch everyone else and what they are doing while swinging!

Little Luna doesn't get to have quite the same fun, but she does seem to like the ceiling fan.

Goo - Goo

Maybe its just me - but this just melts me!!

(sorry the camera angle is weird, I was trying to shoot over my own shoulder...)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Adventure to Alameda Beach

We got our act together (barely) and got out of the house for a trip to the beach.  We gathered all our gear (OMG! toys, extra clothes, diapers, snacks, bottles, sippy cups, sunblock, hats, towels, camera, holy crapload of stuff!) and hit the road...  it was totally worth it!!

Liv was so excited to use her pink shovel again - she must have asked me about it 6 times on the way there!

Luna's first day at the beach. However, she is still in that vampire stage where she can't abide direct sunlight...

choosing the very best rocks to throw into the bay...

going back for more

i think she likes it!

see what i'm saying about the acne? and that's like 1000% improved - yikes!

mom & Liv at the beach, again!
(are those my boobs?... really?!)

made a new friend, and shared toys; and she shared her kite, too!

we were serenaded by this nice man practicing his sax
who played "happy birthday" upon request...

what a day!

ps/ our thoughts and love to cousin Lynn & family, who had a house fire last night.


Beautiful weather here. We decided to have a little picnic. 

We packed a lunch and went for a little hike up the hill behind the house.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Few New Pictures

sorry it's been so long since the last post... all is well here!

We are adjusting well to being a bigger family.

I'm finding it an interesting exercise to find the new priority balance in competing claims fo rmy attention. Some days I do feel like I have my hands full, especially when Jeff is working away from home. But there is no surprise there -- and I am overwhelmed only by the sheer joy and gratitude I feel every single day!

Camila Luna is suffering from some wicked baby acne this week - don't expect to see many pictures. haha...

She spends some time on her belly everyday and let's me know when she's had enough!!

Liv continues to amaze me everyday, she's asserting her independence more, which is a occasionally a challenge for me - but so far we're managing. Here she is reading a letter from Gramma Mayberry.

Happy Baby...

Liv and I found some rubber stamps at the dollar store, and a book about fingerprint stamping at the library. Definitely this week's favorite craft!

We're planning a "Turning Two" birthday celebration for next weekend. If you're available -- we'd love to have you come over for cupcakes!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Running in the Rain

We had a rain storm this afternoon.

We left the playground just as the first drops were falling,
but couldn't resist spashing around in it when we got home.

Camila Luna pics

Baby Luna (that's what I'm calling her this week...) is, as all babies do, developing incredibly fast!
She eats well, sleeps well, and loves to be carried in the Bjorn. She's weighing in these days at almost 11 pounds and about 22 inches. Still a chunk -- but not quite as round as she seemed at first! LOL

She's faster (and louder) to squawk than I remeber Liv being - but I suppose she had better be! :)

here are some pics from earlier this afternoon.