Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ring Around the Rosie

This isn't Liv's best version, but the best I have on video.
She also does a very cute "itsy bitsy spider"!
I'll try to capture that to share with you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We have not fallen off the face of the earth

So I've gotten a few comments... we're still here. All is well. I just haven't been taking pictures - sorry!

Here's Liv working on what she calls her "(s)ticker project"

is that a hint of the "mayberry tongue"?  :)

Little Luna is starting to reach and grasp and play with toys.

Liv was such an incredibly "mellow" baby; I'm still surprised by how fast Luna is to laugh or cry.

It's fun to watch this relationship develop.

love to all.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Update - sorry no pics

Hello, sorry it's been a while.
We are all doing well.

Here's the big news first:

Jeff has a new job with Covanta. he is now the Plant Manager at the Waste-to-Energy facility here in Stanislaus County! It's a big change and big challenge - but we're happy with the opportunity (and especially the lack of travel! - woo-hoo!)

As I mentioned last time, the girls had their well-child checkups last week. They are both doing well- but we knew that!

Camila Luna is 2 months (well 2-1/2, now) she weighs 13 lbs (90-95 percentile) and measures 23-1/2 inches (75-90 percentile). She got a pile of vaccinations and cried and cried and cried, poor thing.

Liv is 2 years, she weighs 25 lbs (25th percentile) and is 34 inches tall (50th percentile). She had only one vaccine due and didn't even flinch. What a trooper! She is developmentally "advanced" in her speech, vocabulary, colors, numbers. Physically she's right on track: kicking the ball, throwing overhand, walking up steps, jumping with 2 feet together.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Easter, Everyone!

So we tried to explain Easter to Liv (we're saving the resurection for another time) and told Liv about the giant rabbit, the colored eggs, and treats... she was all for it! (And I thought it was going to be a tough sell... LOL)

We practiced "hunting" on Friday and Saturday - "Want to play egg game again, Mommy?" She'd color in her Easter Bunny coloring book while I'd hide the eggs in the living room (again)! Then she'd race around finding eggs - what a hoot!

Today there was an Easter Egg Hunt for the Diablo Grande kids at the driving range, it was kinda cold (52 degrees, damp and windy) so all the girls had big jackets on over their sundresses - reminded me of Easters of my own childhood.

Liv knew just what to do!

Liv's buddy Klaudia brought her parents.

This big girl had technique and speed! Impressive!

But we did pretty well!  

We all got a big Easter Bunny Hug.

This little egg slept through most of the festivities.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Liv and Klaudia play together sevel times a week,
and even better, Klaudia is going to be a big sister in a few weeks!

we had a picnic at the park last week.
(turns out K does not think olives are delicious)

A few Luna pictures:

strong enough to sit (stuffed into the cushions, lol)

and cuddling

Two Years Old

Wow! Another big milestone for Liv!

With Jeff's travel schedule and our friends' busy lives we had a hard time pulling together a single birthday celebration... so, we had several!

We have a two-year dr's appointment next week. Liv will get her last round of vaccinations and boosters until kindergarten and will get her physical and cognative development measured, I suppose. I'll share her height and weight stats with you then.

As for my two year observations, forgive me if I'm not terribly thoughtful or insightful... She is the light of my days and my biggest challenge! Liv continues to learn about her world, her place in it, and how things work at an incredible pace. She has become a very good talker - though there is still a certain amount of Liv speak that needs translating! :) for example, she doesn't say any begining "s" sounds. She plays well with other children - though I'm afraid she's becomming a bit "bossy." (I would love any thoughts on abating that particular toddler tendency!) there's more... but I have to run!

Cheers and Happy Birthday to my little Liv.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Hand to Mouth

Little Luna has discovered her hands! Well, at least the left one.
(We'll see if she still favors it later on. -- THAT would be surprising!)
She's been working on her muscle coordination this week and getting her extremeties to do what she wants them to. It's an awesome development! She has a long way to go to be sure... but she's even started sitting back and turning her head from one side to the other when I carry her on my shoulder. Cool!