"Can we dance with change? Can we fall and try again with playfulness? Do we have the focus, skill and attunement to find the stillpoint within it all?"
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Recap: Late 2016
Recap: Summer 2016
Recap: Early 2016
Here are some photo highlights of the really good stuff from the beginning of our Hawai'i adventure
Friday, February 5, 2016
January 2016 update- Moving to Hawaii
Seems I've kinda skipped almost everything for the past year or so...
I'll rewind a bit.
In October 2015. Jeff's boss at Covanta; inquired if he would be interested in a new job... Hmmm. Turned out they were looking for someone new to manage their Honolulu facility.
We discussed, and decided that even though we were very happy in Diablo Grande, and even though starting over is a little frightening, and even though it put more miles and travel hours between us and our family. That we were willing to see it as an opportunity, an adventure, and able to say "Yes."
Jeff started right away. The girls and I stayed in CA through the end of the year.
Its been a long transition period. We've been able to gently say our goodbyes, really deal the anticipation, sadness, happiness, fear, gratitude... All the emotions. What an experience.
Jeff travelled back and forth, and we were able to spend the holidays together! Halloween fun in the neighborhood. Thanksgiving with Jody and Skip. And Christmas with Grammy and Grampy King.
Since New Year we have (mostly) been together as a family in Hawaii. We found a house (that we can afford) on the shore, near Jeff's work. Hard to beat that! We will be walking distance to the elementary school. We expect to be able to move in at the end of February.
Currently, we are staying in a nice 2 BR condo in a resort community nearby.
Olivia has lost 3 teeth in the past 2 weeks! Camila turns six TODAY! We will have a little burger-bbq at the pool with our new friends.
The girls will starting classes at their new school on Monday. Scary-exciting!
We miss our friends and our routines, but have strengthened our family bonds and are happily anticipating new friendships and experiences.