See that puffy white clouds over there on the horizon? That's Maui Island, and the mountain, Haleakala, about 80+? Miles away.
All that flat blue? Windless expanse. It's like the doldrums take 2. Ugh.
However, in good news, this amazing man that I'm doing life with, fixed the starter motor assembly (again!) And got enough power flowing to start the starboard engine.
We are running both engines, with no sail up yet, "Headed for the barn." Expecting to arrive to the marina tomorrow morning & manage the arrivals business.
((And maybe see my friends waving from shore as we cruise in! :) ))
I took a big nap around midday today. Aaaah. That felt good. I've sent Jeff down below to try to do the same. He's due some good sleep.
He's been stressing since the engine wouldn't start.
And then, because you know, what's a good adventure with out some obstacles...? The back light on the nav igation display went out. Yeah. So, no radar sweeps. No mapping.
Luckily, both of my crewmates have navigation software running on their tablets. Ha!! We are fine!! All the instruments still work and we have plenty other displays to use.
Current Position:
L: 19.61 degrees N
Lo: 157.15 degrees W
Course: 325
Speed: 8 kt
Love, light, and fair winds,