Here she is mesmerized by the ceiling fan at the bed and breakfast we stayed at in Oroville last week.

No, I Love YOU!

Olivia and I went for walks along the river... this was Mom's view of Olivia in the Bjorn carrier.
She's got wicked baby acne - which drives Jeff & me nuts but doesn't seem to phase Olivia at all! :)

Olivia is more alert than ever, following objects & people with her eyes and head, she's started reaching occasionally ... (Daddy helped her grab the handle here) :)

Her eyes are still quite blue! Looks like its going to stick!
With a full belly she likes hanging out in her chair and playing with the animals. (I am trying to upload a video for you all!)

We also LOVE bath-time! whether it's in the baby tub, big people tub, or shower... love it all!!

But number one favorite activity is hanging out on the Boob! And we're on dr's order to feed, feed, feed! Here, Mom's sneaking in a nap - Jeff's taught us all about multi-tasking!

And lest you think it's all rosy... she'll definitely let you know when it's not!!

Until next time!! We love you!
thanks for visiting!

Yee-ha! What a cu-tie! So great to see Olivia in action like this, and even more fun to see her doting parents :) Happy 1st Month Anniversary Olivia!!! :)
Thanks P! love to HIllary! ~e.
Jeff and Em,
Congratulations! She's beautiful. Great Blog, too.
All our best.
Ray McG. & family
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