Monday, July 26, 2010

Sand Box

Liv always loved digging in the sand at the beach in Alameda. She's taken to digging in the dry creek bed in the landscaping; which, -- in addition to making Jeff twitch -- isn't all that satisfying.

I saw this idea in a magazine! Lidded, wheeled, under-the-bed storage container & about 4" of sand. 

We'll see how well it holds up (and contains the sand?). But at least on day one, it's a huge hit! 

Shockingly enough, Milli didn't eat the sand... the shovel, yeah... but not fistfuls of sand. 

Liv's Marching Band

"One - Two - Three - Four!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

First Swings

So our little one is Milli this week. 
(Embarrassing that we're still trying to figure this out.)

She likes it! (of course!) She wasn't grinning, but she started looking a little dozy.

so fun!

yippee - kai - ai!

Mommy & Me Walk

Great morning walk with the ladies today. Looking forward to doing it again!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Planes buzzing overhead... Should I worry?

Update: seems unlikely. no new smoke. planes gone.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Squeaze Peas

A week or so ago, I was making supper and suggested peas. Liv was all for it! However, when they were served, she was disappointed. She explained to me that she what she really wanted was "sqeaze peas". 

ooooooo-kay.  I'm thinking: "What's a squeaze pea?"  think. think. think. (pooh reference - Liv loves it when I do that.)  Awhile back we had Edamame - soybeans... that's gotta be it. I promised that next time we went shopping we'd look for squeaze peas. 


yeah. and cherry tomatos :)


So, the same evening as the lynx sighting... we had this great big coyote prowling around. watching us from the hillside, wondering when we were going away (inside). that, or stalking the neighbor's cat?  (Jeff pointed it out, and they called Romeo in for the eve.)

Upon further reflection; I had left the baby pool, on the patio with water in it for a few nights in a row... could it have become a watering hole for these guys? More convenient than the water hazzards on the golf course?