Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Monterey Bay Aquarium

We finally made it to the MB Aquarium... after all these years! Thanks to M&L for sharing their member/guest passes, and thanks to Kate, Keith & Lilian for joining us! 

Liv, Lili, Jeff & Camila taking a mid afternoon break so the gr'ups could get a cup of coffee!

Camila Luna (and Mom) hanging out by the kelp forest tank. WOW... I could spend all day watching the tall (30' or more??) kelp sway -- beautiful.

Liv and Daddy petting starfish in the touch-tank.

the Rocky-shore tank with crashing WAVES!

more, more, more!

I loved this circular room-sized herring tank

I also loved the Jelly exhibit... we didn't capture it properly here, but the tanks were lit with neon to really show off the jellies. So the water was a brilliant dimensionless aquamarine and these jellies were a fantastic orange... an amazing spectacle!

Remarkably, and unexpectedly, we had BEAUTIFUL weather. One just never knows when heading to the coast in the summer. We packed everything from t-shirts to sweatshirts & fleece blankets. But we lucked out! As there is lovely outdoor access throughout the aquarium: and much to see in the bay (sea otters wrapped in kelp, harbor seals hauled out on the rocks, and more!) Not only that, but many tanks are lit with only natural light - and are much prettier on a sunny day.

Was Mr. Keith doing something silly?? 

Lilian reaching for the stars... 
(ok, spiny urchin)

sea horses and really cool shrimp

Colorful Coral exhibit

Little green sea turtles flying by at toddler-eye-level.

(btw, while many exhibits are little-kid friendly - there many more tanks that were designed at big kid/adult eye level, the backpack/bjorn combo might have been better than the stroller.)

Liv has been chatting away about the things she saw at the aquarium, she had a nice long conversation with Miss Deeva our mailcarrier, and Michelle, our neighbor. and frequently with me. She loved the giant octopus, the sea horses, the sea otters, and and and...

Sunday, September 12, 2010


 Camila has been working on this all week!!

She's got it now!

Last Campfire

We're home in CA now. We had a magnificent stay at Cranberry Lake with Em's (my) parents. (thanks, guys!) Friday night Grandpa, Jeff and Liv built a lovely campfire which we all enjoyed at dusk and nightfall.

Liv demonstrated her bucket drumming skills that she picked up from watching Street Beat at the State Fair

post s'more cuddle

A Few More C-Lake Pictures

The Whole Happy Crew!

Camila emptying the drawer (again, and again, and again!)

Liv with buddy, Bjorn, and new mega legos from G'ma & G'pa Ruoss

Tired Kiddos.