Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Happy Day

On Monday, Liv helped make cupcakes!

She's quite the little baker.

After nap, she helped decorate.

We called the sprinkles "colors" as in "put the colors on the cake, Livvy!"
She called them all "yellow!"

Some "yellow" made it on the cakes. :)

And to make the day even better... We got a copy of the contract for the house, signed by the seller! Hooray!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sailing on the Bay

Our dear friends, Skip & Jody, invited us out for a sail on their new boat this weekend!
What a treat! Jody was practicing with another sailing team, while we were out on the water, but we all spent the later afternoon & evening together after sailing.
Liv had a great time charging around the dock looking at all the "big. boats." and the "kids. boats. water." (the junior sailing team was out in their dingies, too!)

After a lovely sail (sorry no pictures... I had my hands full), Liv was lulled into a nap.
(Angel Island, background)

In the lee of the island we motored for a bit and had some sandwich and juice.
(and a chance to take some video)

It was a great time! And I am so grateful to Skip's generocity and capability. He and Jeff handled the boat so very well, while Liv and I sat back and enjoyed the ride! We had such lovely weather! When was the last time we had such nice breeze and could wear shorts & tshirts on the bay?!?!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

18 months

Liv is now 18 months old.
So far - so good!
We went in for a check-up earlier this week.
Her stats:
weight: 23 pounds
height: 32 inches
all her vaccines are up-to-date (except for the flu shots... not yet available for under-3 babies)
she's on track for physical & cognitive development (as far as we can tell)
and everyone's happy to see a healthy baby!
She's talking more and more... which is such fun.
Stringing words together, and just naming things!

Mommy is about 23 weeks along in the pregnancy.
And likewise... all is well.
(Tho' her arms aren't quite long enough to get the whole belly in the camera-phone shot. LOL)

Jeff is home for two weeks!
Except for the "emergencies" that pop up and call him out to the various facilities.
It remains a challenge for him to get productive work done (not to mention conference calls) with an active & talkative toddler underfoot.
Which makes us all the more excited to be progressing on our home purchase.

That's news for now... thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mom & Apple Pie

Liv's first pie!

Yes... we do actually cook on the floor.
It's as clean as the counters, I promise. (for whatever that's worth... LOL)

In other news... On the home front...

We received some very exciting news this morning.

Our offer on the house we want has been accepted!!!

We've applied for the mortgage with 2 brokers and 2 banks... will hopefully be able to lock in the rate/ loan; and sign the sale contract by the end of the week, and get this show on the road!!!


There's some (potentially expensive) stuff left to do before we can call it home... (landscaping, furnishing, moving in, etc.); but, we are so pleased!!

It's beyond perfect: master + 2 small bedrooms at the far end,
A home workstation and an Office,
plus a Guest Suite with your name on it!!

It's up in the hills, outside a small town (sound familiar?) in Central CA;
in a development of other custom homes, golf courses, and vinyards.
(the video is from one of our early visits last January.)

Li'l Pirate... AAARG

... AAARG....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Making Music

Daddy sent Liv a present in the mail...

what fun!