Saturday, April 30, 2011


Easter brought more fun and together time. The girls loved finding treats in the eggs.

Jelly Bean!!

mmm, jelly bean!

then the Easter Egg Hunt at the Driving Range...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt with MOMS Club

Yesterday we had a fun Easter Egg Hunt & BBQ with the MOMS Club at a park in town -- very fun!

I thought I might get a cute posed Easter Pic of the sisters.
Hmmm.... NO.


I did catch a couple nice shots of pretty Livvie.

And some fun candids of the hunt!


Hot Dogs!

Camila signing "swing"

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Liv Turns Three

okay, okay... Liv turned three almost a month ago.  I'm a slacker. Sigh.

It was a very good day. Even Camila, who still had a touch of pink-eye, had a good day. We had a couple playmates over, who really needed a place to hang out - even with the risk of conjuctivitis. The day started with princess dresses!

Now skipping ahead to cake & presents. 
Liv wanted every thing in purple, even the cake. Weird, but that's what she wanted.

"Happy Birthday to Me!"

Our dear neighbors joined us, in person, for cake & presents 
and Grandpa & Grandma Ruoss in CT joined us virtually via Skype! ... how cool is that!!!?

Liv got almost everything on her wish list -- everything but the pinwheel -- plus a few bonus presents -- WHAT a lucky girl!!

Angelina was an extra from Auntie Kim, and a big hit!


Um, yeah. We're still here. All is well. I just haven't been blogging. I'll try to catch up.
Lets see. Liv turned three! woo hoo!! Grandma and Grandpa King came for a nice visit. And lots of just nice fun days with friends -- and at home by ourselves.

i'll try to catch up.

A Spring Project: Gingerbread Bird House

While Grandpa and Grandma King were visiting at the end of March, I took advantage of their expertise (and a bunch of extra grownups on site) to try our hand at creating a gingerbread bird house (a cute idea I saw in a catalog). I was really pleased with the results! but couldn't have completed it by myself with the kiddos!

We used an old pattern I had on hand for a traditional gingerbread cottage.

But decorated it with bright spring colors and jelly beans, instead of peppermint sticks and icicles.

Unfortunately, I have no pictures of the actual decorating process. Which is always the most fun. but grandma and I had FOUR preschoolers helping us that day, and there were no extra hands or eyes behind the camera. We had great help and it shows in the cheerful and sweet finished product!

The only thing that competes with the fun of decorating is eating it!

Because it is such a small house we were able make it with a soft delicious cookie dough instead of a stiffer, tougher dough we use for the big houses. YUM!

A couple days ago, Liv woke up from her nap and told me this long story about making a gingerbread bird house. Rolling out the dough, using yellow and purple (her favorite!) frosting, and Jelly Beans! And stars on the roof, Jeremy decorating the roof, with purple (her favorite) and yellow stars, and grandma making it pretty with (lots of hand waving here) yellow criss-crossing frosting. And the windows, and flower sprinkles that grandma made (??) and put in the little jar with the red screw-on top. And then we ate a hole in it. And then we ate a BIG hole in it!
Fun to share her memories.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Mamma bunny has been hanging out nibbling in the lawn. She occasionally hops up on this rock to let her paws dry off (and presumably keep a look out?)

Sometimes we go out to say "hello" and she always runs off... one afternoon we chased her off and found this little guy hiding on the patio...

so cute!!

Hey look! Ducks!

more sheep...

The herd is in the hills/ravines behind our house!
We are enjoying watching and listing to them as they wander here and there.

Here is a pic of the girls signing "sheep" by pretending to cut the wool off their arms.