Thursday, October 16, 2008

What is She Saying?

So obviously, she has something to say!

You may be aware that I've been using some sign language with Liv. The experts claim that babies may start signing back around 7 months old. So, I'm on the lookout!!! But I have to tell you I'm baffled, and its so funny to me to watch her in those last couple frames.

is she trying to communicate something in particular?

is she just noticing her new control & range of motion?

is she totally disgusted with me for not "getting it"?

we'll keep trying ...


Jim. King said...

I think Livvy's telling you about liquid refreshment (milk?)

Jeff Ruoss said...

could be... this is my confusion... she could be talking about the milk (juice) or she could be getting frustrated...
it's pretty close to "all done" hands up-&-in to out-&-down.
which is why those last could frames are so funny! where she just gives up... :)

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! I vote for the "milk" sign. She gets an A for effort!