Saturday, March 13, 2010

A Few New Pictures

sorry it's been so long since the last post... all is well here!

We are adjusting well to being a bigger family.

I'm finding it an interesting exercise to find the new priority balance in competing claims fo rmy attention. Some days I do feel like I have my hands full, especially when Jeff is working away from home. But there is no surprise there -- and I am overwhelmed only by the sheer joy and gratitude I feel every single day!

Camila Luna is suffering from some wicked baby acne this week - don't expect to see many pictures. haha...

She spends some time on her belly everyday and let's me know when she's had enough!!

Liv continues to amaze me everyday, she's asserting her independence more, which is a occasionally a challenge for me - but so far we're managing. Here she is reading a letter from Gramma Mayberry.

Happy Baby...

Liv and I found some rubber stamps at the dollar store, and a book about fingerprint stamping at the library. Definitely this week's favorite craft!

We're planning a "Turning Two" birthday celebration for next weekend. If you're available -- we'd love to have you come over for cupcakes!

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