Monday, August 29, 2011

Cranberry Lake (part 3: King Cousins)

Mike & Tracy & their wonderful little boys came up to visit! The above picture is of 3-year-old Livvy and Emmett, showing off their stair climbing skills and super cheesy grins.


One-year-old Isaac and Camila showing off their belly buttons! (And practicing their cheesy grins.) 


Six-year-old Declan supervising Livvy grinding coffee.

Our girls got to borrow clean clothes from our cousins! Thanks, guys!!

We enjoyed a great campfire & cook out. And story telling.
Followed up with ice cream cones!!! Woo-Hoo!

1 comment:

Jody said...

Aweseome super cheesy grins and belly buttons! Miss you all bunches!!! xoxo!