Sunday, January 2, 2022

Happy New Year

Happy Solstice and Blessed New Year

We are well and enjoying the mild climate, sunny days, and simplicity of indoor/outdoor docklife in Hawai'i after making some significant changes in these plague years & planting the seeds for our new lifestyle in this brave new world:

 We took the kids out of public school, sold the beach house, Jeff changed his work situation, we bought a boat and sailed it from Tahiti back to O'ahu. 

Currently, Jeff works with Jody and Skip McCormack, in part as a PG&E contractor from the boat. Olivia (13) and Camila (11) left school halfway through 6th and 4th grades when Covid hit and haven't been back; we are working through online curriculum for 8th and 6th grades online from the boat. There are amazing resources available and we couldn't be happier not to be in public middle school (for *so many* reasons!)  In addition to chief mate,  mom, and learning coach, part of my work is as social director, facilitating meetups and hangouts with old neighborhood friends and new homeschool friends.  Our loyal little terrier mix pup, Bella (10) seems prerty content to be a boat dog. I think mostly she just loves (as I do) that the pack is all together - all the time! 

We were so happy to travel this year! Our adventures and visits are our favorite memories of 2021.
After a few strange months in covid limbo Jeff and Emily and Torsten Hansen embarked on our big blue water sailing adventure. Olivia and Camila spent several weeks in Oklahoma with Roger and Kristen Pfieffer. And then in August we travelled to visit with our family in New York and in Connecticut. We were so happy to be at Cranberry Lake again finally (even with covid protocol limitations). Since then we've been really settling into our own family groove. 

Now we are in the vision stage (research & early planning) of a sail plan for 2022 that will take us from Hawai'i to the west coast of North America ending in Mexico in the autumn. 

Extending Warm Aloha,
Love and Light

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