Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Story Time at the Library

We always have a good time at Story Time.
...and we love playing with the rhythm sticks!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Playground Meetup

 Our Friday took a surprise turn that had us home all day. 
Happily, we weren't the only ones and we met up with a bunch of our friends at the park!

 Liv and Klaudia sharing raisins.
(Liv wasn't sure she wanted to at first, but she graciously did, with everyone!)

Pretty mommy & daughter!

Another pretty mommy!

Klaudia exploring with Liv's new magnifying glass

Getting bigger & bigger! 

Our little Camila Luna

Hot, sweaty, and looking a little like one of Dr. Suess's  Whos
... no wonder I'm getting "The Look"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Heads Up

Camila is going to take her first solo steps any minute now...

She can stand up unassisted by props or people and will play standing for extended seconds. She is walking around holding on to furniture (just a little) and from prop to prop (rarely). And walking holding just one of my hands (she prefers two). And I've caught her a few times walking & pushing Liv's baby-doll stroller!!!

I have yet to get any of this on film. But I'm trying to always have the Flip or my camera with me or close by and will hopefully catch her first steps to share with you.

thanks for visiting!

Monday, November 1, 2010


 We visited the local pumpkin patch and corn maze a couple times, but as I've mentioned before  - even if I do remember the camera I don't always have free hands to take the pictures... :(

It was a great time and there would have been some cute pics of the hay ride, pumpkin patch, pig races, etc sigh.

One of our visits was with the MOMS Club, and one of the other mommies shared these pics with me! Thanks, Kate!

Liv & Lilian visiting with the goats.

Seed Corn "sand" Box
We painted pumpkins with our neighbors, Liv loved it so much, we did some more painting at home. At one point I looked over and saw her brushing paint on the soles of her feet. LOL

Unfortunately she had way more fun getting paint on her body than getting it off
It's the price we pay, honey!

Camila Luna as a little monkey!

We hooked up with our friends, the Coffees
(from our aquarium outing and the above pumpkin patch photos)

Liv trick-or-treating, dressed as a dragon-princess!

Super Daddy rushed home in the midst of an outage to take his kids trick-or-treating! 
Wow! What a good daddy! Thanks, Jeff!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fun & Treats

 Liv learning puzzles

 (and wearing piggies in her hair...lol)

 Daddy playing magic wands with Liv

Liv earned a treat!



Wood chips. 
(Camila is finally listening to my urgings not to put everything in her mouth!)

 its raining