Monday, November 1, 2010


 We visited the local pumpkin patch and corn maze a couple times, but as I've mentioned before  - even if I do remember the camera I don't always have free hands to take the pictures... :(

It was a great time and there would have been some cute pics of the hay ride, pumpkin patch, pig races, etc sigh.

One of our visits was with the MOMS Club, and one of the other mommies shared these pics with me! Thanks, Kate!

Liv & Lilian visiting with the goats.

Seed Corn "sand" Box
We painted pumpkins with our neighbors, Liv loved it so much, we did some more painting at home. At one point I looked over and saw her brushing paint on the soles of her feet. LOL

Unfortunately she had way more fun getting paint on her body than getting it off
It's the price we pay, honey!

Camila Luna as a little monkey!

We hooked up with our friends, the Coffees
(from our aquarium outing and the above pumpkin patch photos)

Liv trick-or-treating, dressed as a dragon-princess!

Super Daddy rushed home in the midst of an outage to take his kids trick-or-treating! 
Wow! What a good daddy! Thanks, Jeff!

1 comment:

Uppper Creek Monastery said...

Love the painted soles- which no doubt feed the soul (until clean-up). Did you keep any of the footprints?
Very Cool that Super Dad takes the time to share super moments!