Monday, February 2, 2009

Liv at the Fountain & Marina

This one (in the blue sweatshirt) is from yesterday... The pink outfit is today (2/2)...

After hanging out with me in ths shop (and only complaining a little...) we went outside to play... she was so happy about that!! (they're cell phone images, so limited quality - sorry)

then we went to the marina... it was supposed to be the park, but something came up!

still working on getting some video edited & posted... stay tuned!
~e. for all

Thursday, January 29, 2009


We stopped at the playground the other day. And I let Liv do some exploring. For the first ... I don't know ... 20 minutes?! She pretty much sat in one spot and watched the other kids play.

Then she played in the sand box with another little toddler for a few minutes then followed another little boy over to the climbing structure. At the top she sat & watched a couple bigger kids going up & down the slides, up & down, up & down. At some point she decided it looked ok & scooted up to the top of the slide, the little boy jumped off at the bottom & stepped aside to give her a turn. Very sweet.

It was a fun adventure, then mom & Liv went to the taqueria & shared a rice & bean burrito! yummy! a good day!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Adventures in Tottering

"Hey, I'm Going Out... Anyone wanna come? "

"No, well, ok."

"I'll go on my own... "

"Here I go!"





"Made it!!
Mission Accomplished!
I got to the pot of mint & dirt!! Woo-Hoo!"

Hope Everyone is having a Great Day!

Beach Weather

We've had the nicest weather the past week. Liv has been to the beach just about every day! I promised my facebook friends that I'd post pictures... but the pictures are going up here first...

It's not that it's been "hot" but sunny and very pleasant!! Liv's been trucking around town in the backpack - and loving it! And bulldozing around in the sand. Good Times!!

There's not much to say about the individual images... so I won't... except please enjoy!

this nice lady was walking by on the beach and stopped... she had found this shovel and wondered if Liv might like it... how fun!!! thank you!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Backpack & Beach

Liv's new favorite way to get around is in the backpack! (a generous gift from Leo & Carlotta ~ thanks, guys!!)
Cool new view & a little less dangling than the Bjorn (which we still use & love! Thanks, Aunt Jody!)

Self portrait leaving the apartment.

Liv playing in the sand...

low tide... Mom & Liv walking on the beach.
(we're not scowling... the sun is in our eyes.)

all tuckered out and crashing
after a little snack on the kitchen floor.

OMG... Walking!


Liv took her first solo steps over New Years at the cottage where G'ma & G'pa could get in on the excitement! She's been practicing since. (Jeff encourages her more than I do. LOL ...) She's determined & has been taking off on her own with no prompts or bribes... mostly just two or three steps & down but occasionally more...

It's way too early IMO, for a couple reasons. One: (whimper, whimper) these baby days are going so fast - I know, I know - everyone warned me they would! Two: How frustrating for her to have this apparent autonomy and still such limited communication... well, we'll deal with it best we can, I've been trying to introduce more sign language, but so far she's not been all that interested.

BTW: Liv had a checkup this week. She's 27.5 inches tall & just a hair over 17 pounds. She's tall and light compared to other American baby girls this age but on her own little curve so everyone's happy.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Recent Olivia Moments

Liv LOVED the fish at the Wild Center in NY

Bath Time for the Littlest Punk

Maybe one day she'll have actual hair we can mess with...

Liv's Own Book Shelf

Nice Day for Exploring at the Beach


Christmas at Cranberry Lake

We had a wonderful visit with my (Emily's) family at the cottage at Cranberry Lake in the NYS Adirondack Mountains over the Christmas-New Year holiday.

We had a little bit of almost every kind of weather. We had sub-zero - and 40-50 degree days. We had piles of snow - and hardly any. Liv, as always, was happily adaptable to all the conditions.

Here's Liv snuggled in Mom's jacket on a very cold afternoon.

Liv with Tia & Uncle Dan


Liv with Grampa King

Playing with Gramma King

Family Dinner!
(Happy 40th Mom & Dad)