Sunday, August 15, 2010

Camila's World at Six Months

At 6 months (and a bit) Camila is so much more engaged with her world. 

She loves being up & about, and gets frustrated (and lets us know it) when she can't see whats going on. She's not crawling yet (I really thought she would be) but is an accomplished scooter! She pushes & pulls but isn't getting her belly off the floor -- while she's moving. 

She's successfully pushing back to sitting position, which is a big step toward independent movement. 
Yay, Camila!

She's getting extremely interested in standing play. She's SO happy when she's up and SO offended when she inevitably tumbles. She's learning to fall in a more protected and more recoverable "crumple" (butt or hands & knees, first) than her original "TIMBER!" falls which are just scary!

She's even convinced Daddy to "walk" her.

Language-wise she's not ahead of anything either! :)  (no consonant sounds (da, ba)) It will come soon enough, I suppose.

She's a little clingy to mama... we don't get out enough, I guess! She's ok with other people, but better if Livvie or Mama is in sight.

She's eating a couple meals of solid foods a day, and nursing, too. 
She's sleeping through the night nearly -- but not quite -- every night. We love the nights when she doesn't wake and have to cry herself back to sleep because that's no fun for anybody. :(

She's loves playing in the pool, banging her toys, chewing on everything! We've got to keep our eyes on this kid, for sure!!  (and do so, with pleasure and awe!)

current stats from 6-month well-baby check:
Weight: 16 lb, 11 oz (70th percentile)
Height: 27-1/4 in (95th percentile)

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