Saturday, December 22, 2012

VFD Operation Santa Claus

Our local Patterson Volunteer Fire Department has an early December tradition of driving their vintage engine through the various neighborhoods The truck is brightly decorated with lights and carrys Santa and his helpers collecting toys. 

We knew which evening to expect the firemen and Santa to come to Diablo Grande, and planned to meet them. We went shopping for presents so we could act like Santa's helpers, too. And we decorated the golf cart so we could follow the fire truck around the neighborhood.

and rode bikes (kinda? LOL)

Santa's Helpers

Here Comes Santa Claus!
Here Comes Santa Claus!

(and the Diablo Grande firemen and their families!) 

Well, that was a good day! After our "open sleigh" ride in the cold night air, Santa's little helpers were all tuckered out and fell asleep on the ride home. 

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