Saturday, June 12, 2021

Day 39/12

We are definitely not in the doldrums we have been sailing in a nice strong breeze since yesterday afternoon.

It was a tough night. Very dark, with no moon and heavy cloud cover. Plenty of rain before midnight, not too much after. The seas were very confused and not tiny. The wind was 17-22+. We stood 2-person watches and it was good to have a buddy. Nobody left the cockpit and everyone was harnessed & tethered all night. And we were happy to see the dawn.

It was cool to see how much sail trim we can do by feel. The boat performed well.

We sailed the main on the first reef (shortened a bit at the foot) and the staysail (the smaller of the triangle sails on the bow). I suspect we averaged 8 knots through the water on our preferred course toward Hawaii Island.

Now, at almost mid-day, and over 11° North latitude, the skies have cleared significantly, the waves are trying to find a more consistent pattern and we are all getting accustomed to the new rhythm.

Love & Light,

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